Creativity is thinking of new things. Innovation is doing new things. Learn more about the link between creativity in this week’s podcast with Lori McNeill.
Episode Transcript
Have you sometimes wondered what the link is between creativity and innovation? Think about it like this: creativity is thinking up new things while innovation does new things. Creativity is a mindset. It’s the ability to reach out and discover the limits of our minds on a subject, an industry, or a philosophy. These thoughts and ideas become real in our minds, so creativity is the ability to create a suitable mindset that allows the creative flow to present itself. Creativity is actually the fuel that gets the car moving. Now, how does that relate to innovation? Well, innovation is the implementation of a change on a product, perhaps a process, or even a system. Innovation is certainly more objective in its title as well as the institution. I hope that helps clarify the link between creativity and innovation. Now, if you’re wondering whether or not you’re creative and if you perceive yourself not to be, in a different podcast I will cover some tips on how you can actually improve your creativity.