In the final episode of this series, Ron Price examines the 12th enemy of successful innovation: choosing power over people.
Episode Transcript:
The twelfth enemy of successful innovation is choosing power over people. Power is a very important driver for a lot of people, and it manifests itself in many ways: their interest in money, recognition, promotion, their pursuit of those. But power is a borrowed phenomenon. When any of the circumstances that led to your position of power erode, your influence vanishes. And every piece of power eventually gets given back. So, to exist as a sustainable and growing organization the emphasis needs to be on people. In creating a better culture where people love to contribute, where productivity and creativity are maximized, where people learn to contribute how and where they can be the best, and customers are valued individually. This investment in people is a recipe for success while investment in power is a recipe for cynicism. So, don’t think of your power for self-interest. Think of your power as an opportunity to empower those around you to create a culture of people who are constant innovators. This is the twelfth enemy of successful innovation, choosing power over people. And now, it’s time to keep innovating.
Discover the other enemies of innovation in this 90 Seconds of Innovation series here or by subscribing on Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode. You can also read Dr. Evans Baiya’s blog on the enemies of innovation here. Tweet your innovation questions to @ebaiya. | Header Photo by Karolina Grabowska via Pexels.