Employee well-being is crucial for the success of your organization—so be sure to protect it, especially during more hectic seasons.
Episode Transcript:
The secret to improving employee energy and engagement? Focus on your employees’ well-being, especially around the holidays.
To do that, ensure your employees use their vacation time. This can sometimes be a challenge for employers, especially during times of worker shortages, but it’s incredibly important to maintain productivity and energy levels. Managers should be challenging their team members to plan for vacation time throughout the year so that employees can save, plan, and look forward to a vacation, and managers can plan ahead for their absence.
Paying employees to take time off can also ensure they actually use their vacation time. The main reason people don’t take vacations is financial. Perhaps they don’t have enough money to plan a trip, or even take time away from work. Organizations can and should address the economic side of vacation time and provide potential solutions for employees.
And once your employees are ready to enjoy some well-earned time off, set Boundaries and respect that time. This challenge has become even more apparent with the increase in virtual and hybrid work as the lines between personal and professional life has blurred. Challenge your employees to turn off their devices and cease professional interactions, and provide systems to enable employees to disconnect. Keep other team members or stakeholders informed about a particular employee’s absence and plan for temporary points of contact if needed.
Respecting vacation time around the holidays and throughout the year is an easy way to maintain your employees’ productivity and happiness levels. More tips to come, but until next time, keep innovating!
Missed Part 1? Find it here. |Header Photo by cottonbro studio via Pexels.