You can—and should—include innovation as part of your employee’s performance evaluations.

Episode Transcript:

Making innovation a part of everyone’s job naturally makes innovation a part of everyone’s performance review. By determining which role each of your employees will play in the Six Stages of Innovation, you will be able to easily add these goals to your company’s performance review process.

Measuring innovation contributions can be simple. Here are three ways to add innovation contribution to your performance evaluations:

Measure ideas. All innovation occurs as a result of idea generation. Idea generation is an easy and effective way to measure innovation contribution. Employees often feel like coming up with ideas is outside of their job scope—but the more you treat the people in your organization like the valuable idea factories that they are, the more compelled they will feel to contribute.

Measure teamwork. Too often we think of performance evaluations as a measurement of the individual, not the team. But if we want employees to function well as part of a team, we need to include teamwork as part of their evaluation. The success, the flow, and the productivity of teams should be a part of each member’s performance evaluation.

Measure potential. A person’s potential is made up of unique talent, skills, and strengths. By measuring how well the employee’s potential aligns with the stages of innovation, we can allow employees to participate where they will shine. Having a performance conversation around natural talents, developed skills and honed strengths will contribute to more than innovation; it will impact your organization on a deeper level.

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The IA Team

Author The IA Team

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