90 Seconds of Innovation Podcast · How Does the Multi-generational Workplace Impact the Way We Innovate? Dr. Jeremy Graves explains some of the fears that multi-generational workplaces deal with. Finding ways to have frank discussions will allow everyone to bring their best to the table. Episode Transcript I’m Dr. Jeremy Graves. Today, we have…
We’ve been going about it all wrong. Ensure your employees are a true match for the job description. Episode Transcript Today, we have a question: why is organizing people such a pain? Let me tell you why. Because we have been thinking about how to administer people the wrong way, the old way. The right…
Why should I care about my Innovation Fitness score? Episode Transcript Today’s question is, what is the Innovation Fitness Score? All of us, seven billion of us humans, have the potential to innovate. And in fact, all of us do innovate. The question becomes, how much do we innovate and where do we innovate? So…
The collective brainpower of every employee is a great tool and one you have right at your fingertips. In my work, I hear a lot of reasons why people don’t engage in innovation: “That’s not part of my job description.” “I’m not an idea person.” “Innovation doesn’t really apply to my industry.” “We don’t need…
A story from the 2019 Innovator’s Advantage Academy with Better Business Bureau Great West + Pacific. If there is one takeaway from my journey into the world of innovation, it’s that truly successful innovation requires courage and the willingness to let go of uncertainty. Welcome back to the Innovator’s Advantage Academy—a behind-the-scenes, unscripted backstory of what…
A story from the 2019 Innovator’s Advantage Academy with Better Business Bureau Great West + Pacific. Few things can be scarier than challenging ourselves and our preconceived notions. Yet, fewer things can be more rewarding. This is my behind-the-scenes, unscripted story of how I challenged myself and my staff. We tore down our preconceived notions and…
These days you hear and read a lot about innovation. It’s the common buzzword and there are constantly new articles and blogs written about it, but most of it is simply a rehashing of what has been written in the past. There’s very little new thought going into innovation, which is ironic if you think…