As Dr. Evans Baiya always says, “Everyone is an innovator—we simply innovate in different ways.” The same applies to how everyone on your team communicates. The Innovator’s Advantage Team introduces two ways to discover the individual communication styles of your team members, and the importance of this knowledge.

Episode Transcript:

As a leader and an innovator, communication is one of the most essential tools you have in your toolbox. You must be able to communicate with all kinds of people in all different departments across many stages of projects to see success. But communicating with those who think, work, listen, and speak in an entirely different manner than you is not always easy.

If you are looking to maintain a team of truly effective innovators, you need to consider each person’s personality and communication style. At The Innovator’s Advantage, we like to use the Innovation Fitness™ Assessment and TTI Success Insights’ DISC Model to determine behavioral traits like communication styles.

When you take the Innovation Fitness™ Assessment, you’ll see exactly how your skills, behavioral traits, and personalities align with the Six Stages of Innovation. This knowledge not only helps you to understand how you innovate best but how you prefer to get work done and how you usually communicate with others.

TTI’s DISC Model showcases four main personality types and the behavioral traits unique to each team member. With this information, you can develop self-awareness, minimize conflict, increase engagement, and enhance communication.

Using these two tools will open a world of information on how best to communicate with everyone on your team. Keep innovating!

Learn more about each of the different types of communicators in this 90 Seconds of Innovation series here or by subscribing on SoundcloudApple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode. Tweet your innovation questions to @ebaiya. | Header Photo by Mikael Blomkvist via Pexels.

The IA Team

Author The IA Team

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