Don’t neglect your employees’ ideas or perspectives. Include them by building a company culture that supports constant improvement, and you’ll create a team that will transform your company by regularly generating new value.

Episode Transcript:

Who better to generate ideas than the people with their finger on the pulse? Your employees have the best vantage point for evolving customer needs, thoughtful service enhancements, and process improvements. Let your team be your innovation engine, and they will drive the evolution and growth of your company.

But they need shared responsibility and shared goals to work towards. Ensure every team member knows it is their responsibility to identify new problems and look for solutions. Build it into your weekly team meetings and address it in your quarterly reviews. Because everyone conceives, views, and understands problems differently, they also envision and develop solutions differently. These differences in perspective create strength in a company—and your employees may see opportunities that others have missed.

People also work harder when they know they are part of building something greater than they could accomplish on their own. Establish both company-wide and smaller shared team goals that require everyone to collaborate. If your employees understand how their participation either helps or hinders the goal, they will feel like they are an important part of the solution.

If you set the stage for a company culture that supports constant improvement, you will by default create a team that will transform your company by continuously generating new value.

Until next time, keep innovating!

Photo by Kindel Media via Pexels.

The IA Team

Author The IA Team

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