Tanja Yardley dives deeper into taking advantage of our different curiosities to achieve a creative and innovative state of mind.

Episode Transcript:

Curiosity is one of the biggest drivers of creative flow. A tip that you can use to generate more curiosity is to ask yourself, “What am I curious about?” And then once you’ve realized that, ask, “What else?” And then, “what else?” Over time, you will start to stack these curiosities, and some of them may be completely different from one another. The next part of the exercise is to ask yourself, “How do these things intersect? What do they have in common? What are the themes that are common across all of these different curiosities that I have?” It’s so fascinating what happens: you start to actually create novel associations and new ways of looking at things and stimulate ideas that you, perhaps, had never thought about before. Once you start doing that process, and you want to dive a little bit deeper, then you start asking yourself, “Who can I talk to about this? Where can I read about this? Where can I dig deeper into this topic?” And as you stack and stack and stack and stack those curiosities, your creative energy begins to grow and grow and your imagination starts to kick in. And before you know it, you are in an incredibly powerful flow state that generates all kinds of insights and a-ha moments that you wouldn’t otherwise experience had you not gone through that exercise.

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Tanja Yardley

Author Tanja Yardley

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