Learning how to pivot is a critical skill for leaders and innovators who will undoubtedly experience uncontrollable circumstances. What happens when you run an experiment and the outcome is not what you had planned? One of the traps of experimentation is expecting the testing to validate your thinking. It is natural to want the experiment…
90 Seconds of Innovation Podcast · What Happens in the Develop Stage? Ron Price describes the importance of the Develop Stage and continuing to come up with new ideas to test. Episode Transcript What happens in Stage Three, the Develop Stage? This is Ron Price, co-author of The Innovator’s Advantage. In Stage Three, we continue…
Experiments Aren’t Just for Scientists, Use This Proven Tool to Improve Your Offerings Any business that is looking to launch new offerings, improve processes and solutions, or simply grow should be running experiments. There is an effective way to conduct experiments, and there are many not-so-effective ways. Throughout my career, I have been on both…