While most leaders champion innovation in their companies, very few employees actively engage in innovation activities. There is a problem to solve, then—if employees aren’t involved and passionate about innovation, the result will be higher failure rates of innovation initiatives. Why don’t employees get excited about innovation? One factor could be that the term “innovation”…
Marshal Major shares his excitement to use The Innovator’s Advantage process to connect constituents, clients, and consultants across the country—with the idea that each of us has a valuable role in the innovation process. Video Transcript: Our products are ideas. I’m excited to take the tools and the methods and the methodologies and the ideas…
Dale Dixon, Chief Innovation Officer at Better Business Bureau Great West + Pacific, shares what he’s learned about himself and his innovation strengths from The Innovator’s Advantage. Video Transcript Dale Dixon: The Innovator’s Advantage has taught me a few things about myself. Number one, to realize that I do have specific strengths in specific areas…
We make innovation achievable every day. Dr. Evans Baiya and Ron Price take you through their process and how The Innovator’s Advantage can help your organization be more innovative, creative, and profitable. Video Transcript: Ron Price: When we start to work with leaders around innovation, they almost always recognize that they need it, but they…
90 Seconds of Innovation Podcast · Does Innovation Have To Be An Invention? Ron Price shares how innovators and inventors think differently—and how thinking like an innovator can make all the difference in value creation. Episode Transcript Does innovation have to be an invention? I’m Ron Price, co-author of The Innovator’s Advantage. An inventor knows how to…
The question is not if you are an innovator—everyone is an innovator! But you must learn where you innovate best to succeed. Episode Transcript Today, actually I am not addressing a question, I am addressing a comment: “Am I the innovator that I believe I am.” The question is not if you are an innovator…
The collective brainpower of every employee is a great tool and one you have right at your fingertips. In my work, I hear a lot of reasons why people don’t engage in innovation: “That’s not part of my job description.” “I’m not an idea person.” “Innovation doesn’t really apply to my industry.” “We don’t need…
These days you hear and read a lot about innovation. It’s the common buzzword and there are constantly new articles and blogs written about it, but most of it is simply a rehashing of what has been written in the past. There’s very little new thought going into innovation, which is ironic if you think…