Everyone is an innovator! The Innovation Fitness™ Report shows you how you best contribute to innovation based on your natural talents, motivations, and behavioral traits.

Video Transcript:

The Innovation Fitness™ Assessment is for everyone in the organization, especially starting from the top. Because we believe that everybody is an innovator. But I cannot emphasize this enough: [the] Innovation Fitness™ Report and the Assessment is for everybody. Because everybody solves a problem in the organization. So, you need to know who in your frontline is actually contributing, and what their strengths are, and their skills are, and the skills gap as well. You need to know from a management standpoint, how can we optimize and maximize those positions as well? So, you need to have a full picture of the organization and therefore I encourage every person in the organization to not only take the Innovation Fitness™ Assessment, to get their report, and if you can do it as often as you can—between 12 to 18 months—because you have developed new skills.

Learn more at theinnovatorsadvantage.com/innovation-fitness-report.

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Evans Baiya

Author Evans Baiya

Dr. Evans Baiya is a technology and innovation strategist with nearly 20 years of experience in information technology, product development, innovation of health engagement solutions, semiconductor engineering, and intellectual property strategy. He has held professional positions in various sized companies, starting from a research chemist to global leadership positions in engineering management and strategic product development and marketing. His extensive global experience includes the development of technologies and strategies with companies such as Samsung, IBM, Intel, Nokia, Microsoft, Texas Instruments, World International Patent Office, and others. As a successful author, Dr. Baiya has published more than 30 peer-reviewed publications and holds several technology patents. He is the co-author of The Innovator’s Advantage.

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