Everyone is an innovator, but it can be tough to know where to begin. Lori McNeill shares four tips on generating ideas to become more innovative.

Episode Transcript

Today’s question is: What can you do to be more innovative yourself? Think about that for a second. Personally, I actually have thought historically, I’m not that much of an innovative person. So, I’ll tell you what I’ve done. Some of that has been reading and consuming as much material as I can because it’s really about generating ideas—that’s what you want to go ahead and start with. Beyond that, you want to go ahead and also surround yourself with other innovative people. Put yourself in a position where you can surround yourself with others to hear about some of their ideas. Step number three, don’t say no. The reason I say that is because innovation is really about exploration, so if you go ahead and you start thinking about it from that perspective, what can you do then to take it one step further and explore even more? Start thinking futuristically about that as well. So, educate yourself, put yourself with the right people, don’t say no, and explore all of those possibilities so you’ve got that futuristic thinking, and then that way you will truly be innovative and be in the right mindset. Who knows what idea you’ll come up with next? Until next time, keep innovating.

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Lori McNeill

Author Lori McNeill

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