Purpose plays a huge part in innovation—and, unlike social media leads us to believe, it isn’t lofty or unachievable.

Episode Transcript

What part does purpose play in innovation? Well as it happens, it plays a huge part. All of the skillsets that we develop through the innovation process are crucially important in the context of serving others. Helping light them up from the inside and shining their light with others so that we can walk through dark times together. These skills help us be more clear, more focused, more open, more loving, more resilient, more imaginative, and more attuned to the patterns and opportunities around us. Most importantly, it helps us leverage those opportunities to be able to adapt and create something new.

Purpose isn’t necessarily some lofty and idealistic thing. Social media and even coaching professionals do such a disservice to our young people when they focus on it as being some lofty, massive, life-changing, game-changing experience. And, in fact, it disempowers them because when you give them some of the more routine tasks, which are necessary to innovating, they feel like it’s not worth their time and energy. It’s really important that we create this idea that purpose is really about solving problems, doing things in the here and now, overcoming adversity, and getting things done. And once you reframe it in this way, it makes it way more accessible to everyone and it really helps to engage people in the important work of innovation.

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Tanja Yardley

Author Tanja Yardley

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