90 Seconds of Innovation Podcast · How Can I Ideate for the Future with My Team? How many times do you have an idea that you don’t think is good enough to share with your team? The IA Team examines why you should never be afraid to share your ideas, even the lackluster ones….
90 Seconds of Innovation Podcast · What is a Compliant Communication Personality? Discover two more communication personality types and determine how to best work with every person on your team. Which do you most identify with—dominant, influential, compliant, or steadiness? Episode Transcript: If you aren’t an Influential or Dominant Communicator, maybe you are a…
90 Seconds of Innovation Podcast · Am I an Influential Communicator? Influential communicator personalities are all about stories and new ideas. The Innovator’s Advantage Team dives into this type of communication style and how to best engage them in the workplace. Episode Transcript: Are you an influential communicator? In our last episode, we talked…
90 Seconds of Innovation Podcast · How Can I Communicate with Dominant Communicator Personalities Do you know someone who is very direct, logical, and thrives in fast-paced environments? They might have a dominant communication personality. The Innovator’s Advantage Team breaks down the traits of this communicator and offers advice on how to best talk…
90 Seconds of Innovation Podcast · How Can I Communicate Better with Everyone on My Team? As Dr. Evans Baiya always says, “Everyone is an innovator—we simply innovate in different ways.” The same applies to how everyone on your team communicates. The Innovator’s Advantage Team introduces two ways to discover the individual communication styles…
90 Seconds of Innovation Podcast · Choosing Power Over People: Enemies of Innovation (Series Ep. 12) In the final episode of this series, Ron Price examines the 12th enemy of successful innovation: choosing power over people. Episode Transcript: The twelfth enemy of successful innovation is choosing power over people. Power is a very important…
90 Seconds of Innovation Podcast · Only Making Big Bets: Enemies of Innovation (Series Ep. 11) Making only big bets can actually hinder your innovation progress. Instead, consistently look for small opportunities. In this series, Ron Price examines the 12 enemies of successful innovation. Number 11 is making only big bets. Episode Transcript: We’re…
90 Seconds of Innovation Podcast · Avoiding Ambiguity: Enemies of Innovation (Series Ep. 10) In this series, Ron Price examines the 12 enemies of successful innovation. Number 10 is avoiding ambiguity. Episode Transcript: Enemy number 10 of successful innovation is avoiding ambiguity. And this is a tough one because as we’re innovating, we’re developing…
90 Seconds of Innovation Podcast · Failing to Embrace Risk: Enemies of Innovation (Series Ep. 9) Not all risk is bad. In fact, failing to embrace risk at all is another enemy of successful innovation. In this series, Ron Price examines the 12 enemies of successful innovation. Episode Transcript: Enemy number nine of successful…
90 Seconds of Innovation Podcast · A Lack of Structure: Enemies of Innovation (Series Ep. 8) Innovation is not simply random lightbulb moments. You must overcome the eighth enemy, a lack of structure, to be successful in innovation. In this series, Ron Price examines the 12 enemies of successful innovation. Episode Transcript: Interestingly, enemy…